Monday, June 6, 2011

CSA Week #1

This week was our first week this season to pick up produce from our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).  The harvest included:
  • Salad greens
  • Asian braising mix
  • Prize choy
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Turnips
I learned that braising mix is just (salad) greens gone to seed and intended for cooking!  I also learned that not all turnips are meant to be peeled and cooked.  Ours were delicious sliced raw into a salad along with their greens.

I was reminded how fun and delicious it is to plan a menu around local, seasonal produce.  Some recipes I'm going to make this week: Ginger Bok Choy & Soba Noodles from Appetite for Reduction and Creamed Spinach with Spring Onions & Pasta.  Stay tuned!

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