Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Creamed Greens and Spring Onions with Pasta

Last week I used the delicious spinach from our CSA and spring onions from our garden to make...

Creamed Greens and Spring Onions with Pasta
Adapted from smittenkitchen.com

1 lb greens (Swiss Chard and Spinach work nicely), remove stems and slice into ribbons
3 spring onions, sliced
1 clove garlic, minced
3 T butter
3 T flour
1 3/4 c milk
1/2 c parmesan
salt and pepper
1 lb pasta, cooked

1) Wash the greens and do not dry them.  Place them in a large pot over high heat.  Cook covered until wilted (about 6 minutes).
2) Place greens in a mesh strainer and press out any extra liquid.  Set aside.
3) Using the same pot, cook the onion and garlic in the butter over low heat until softened.
4) Stir in the flour.
5) Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly.  Stir in the parmesan.  Cook until thickened.
6) Stir in the greens and pasta.  Salt and pepper to taste.

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