Sunday, July 10, 2011

Smitten Kitchen's Flatbreads with Honey, Thyme, and Sea Salt

I have been sadly neglecting this blog, but not for any lack of experimenting in the kitchen.  I have been busy trying new recipes right and left, utilizing our delicious, fresh produce from the CSA.  Unfortunately may of the delicious recipes I've tried have been straight out of the Appetite for Reduction cookbook, so I can't share them here--but I would highly recommend the cookbook!  I'm beginning to really appreciate vegan cooking and the recipes have a lot of flavor (sometimes a bit TOO much flavor, but I'm learning to adjust the quantities of her spices).

A new adventure for this week is from the blog: Flatbreads with Honey, Thyme, and Sea Salt.  Doesn't that sound amazing!  I'm also eager to try the smittenkitchen recipe for homemade ricotta cheese.

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