Thursday, April 21, 2011

Freezing Food

I just read a great blog post on about freezing food. I used this technique for our bumper crop of basil last summer, which we are still enjoying in the form of pesto and other basil-delights. I hadn't realized you could use it to freeze uncooked baked goods, as well. What a good idea!
Freezing Food
1. Prepare baked goods or wash & dry fruits/vegetables.
2. Lay food items on a baking sheet in one layer.
*(You can also create individual servings of liquids of pastes by using an ice cube tray or muffin tin.)
3. Freeze food until it is firm and then transfer it to freezer bags.
4. Enjoy anytime!
*(If you're baking, just add a few minutes to the baking time, since they dough starts off frozen.)

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