Sunday, June 19, 2011

CSA Week #3

This week from our CSA, we received:
  • Paris Market Carrots
  • Hakurei Turnips
  • Lettuce Mix
  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Lacinato (Dino) Kale
I just finished reading In Defense of Food, in which Michael Pollan argues we should "eat food, mostly plants, not too much."  Belonging to a CSA encourages us to follow his advice, as we're busy creatively designing meal plans to include all of the week's produce.  It has the added benefit that we try new varieties of vegetables.  So far this season our culinary repertoire has expanded to include Russian kale (delicious!), Hakurei turnips (a fresh, crunchy snack), Asian braising mix (i.e. lettuce gone to seed), and Napa cabbage (yum!).

On the menu this week: Italian Sausage Spinach Lasagne, Curried Scrambled Tofu with Arugula from Appetite for Reduction, and a Mexicana Kale Bowl from Appetite for Reduction.

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