Monday, April 25, 2011


I eat the same breakfast almost every day. Good old oatmeal! Having a stand-by means I don't have to give my food choice in the morning much thought.

From the back of a Quaker Oats box.
Serves 1.

1/2 c oats
1 c milk (Milk from a local dairy is dramatically more creamy and delicious than grocery store milk for this recipe!)

Put oats and milk in a frying pan and cook on medium heat, stirring frequently, until it begins to thicken. You can also cook it in the microwave, but the frying pan method is much tastier!

Of course, you can double, triple, or quadruple this recipe, too!

*Topping ideas:
chocolate chips, craisins, & almonds
maple syrup, raisins, & walnuts

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