Saturday, April 23, 2011

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle

Last year I read Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" and found it incredible inspiring! If you haven't read it, I would highly recommend it as an informative and engaging read. It is probably one of the books that has had the most impact on my life.

After reading it, I began...
  1. Planning menus with local, in-season produce in mind. I am so much more aware now of what's growing (and what's not!).
  2. Participating in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). We support a farm financially before the growing season begins and receive a box of produce once a week all summer long. We are excited to connect with a new farm this year and visit it each week when we pick up our produce!
  3. Buying local milk. Last week we received our first delivery from the milkman at the local dairy. The dairy also offers eggs, butter, and cheeses. Mmm!
  4. Clarifying my values about meat. I was raised vegetarian and became a very lax vegetarian in college (meaning that I started eating a little meat). After reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle I decided to learn more about where my meat comes from and took a closer look at factory farming. Now I eat meat, but not often and only if I know where it comes from.
  5. Gardening! When we lived in our condo, I had trouble growing anything successfully in pots on our sun-beaten, concrete patio. But then we discovered Earth Boxes! We are still enjoying pesto made from our bumper crop of Earth Box basil last summer! This year I am excited to expand our vegetable gardening to a small plot in our back yard!

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